Gabriel Park Preschool

A non profit cooperative preschool est. 1963 


2 Year Olds

3 Year Olds

4 Year Olds


May 16 – Boat Race Day 12pm

THURSDAY, May 16th at Noon

Parents are encouraged to join the fun but it is not required for a parent/ guardian to be present!

Boats can be dropped off at 9am with your student or brought by parents at noon (no preference)

Participation medals will be given out to everyone. We’re all going to be winners and the word “race” is being used lightly 

Last Day of class: May 20 for Youngsters • May 23 for Mixed Age

May 20 – Last day of class for the Youngsters

May 23 – Last day of class for the Mixed Age students 

May 24 – PreK Graduation & Picnic Celebration

Community Wide Picnic Celebration from 10am-12pm

GPPS PreK Graduation Ceremony at NOON